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What's happening tomorrow?

Having seen at least 2,340,211 articles this morning about how the Apple Tablet release is set for tomorrow (if you didn't know that my guess would be you still see the VHS as a thing of the future) I thought I'd talk about something else. After all, what can I possibly add to all the rumour and speculation surrounding the announcement, other than 'it's out tomorrow' and possibly 'it's bright pink'. Let's see if that spreads.

Instead I was interested to read an interview with Bill Gates and his position on Google amongst other things. In what seemed a very laid back, honest interview with the New York Times Gates responded to the question "Is Google a monopolist?" by saying "If governments don’t care, that’s a bad sign."

It was particularly interesting to hear his take on the search engine battle claiming that "gaining ground against Google, not catching it, is the current goal" and that a gain of 1% market share is at this stage a big achievement. It certainly made it seem a determined chase, and one which only the financial muscle of Microsoft could continue to pursue.

Here's the full interview anyway, really good read actually: New York Times


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