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Slow and steady, but will it win the race?

A couple of weeks ago I blogged about Bing becoming the default web browser on all HP machines. If I remember rightly (and to be honest I probably don't - yesterday is often a struggle) the piece concluded that Bing signing deals such as this would slowly but surely eat away at Google's dominance.

If that move didn't frighten the metaphorical pants off of Google then perhaps today's rumours of a deal between Apple's I phone and the Microsoft search engine might. Talks are apparently ongoing to make Bing the default search engine across the board on I phones, a move which, considering the mobile usage trends, would most certainly be a big deal.

A search report from Comscore for December showed Bing gained the most search share in the month (+0.4) which, although small still shows it is heading in the right direction. If the trend continues at the same rate for the next year Bing will replace Yahoo as number two leaving only one giant obstacle standing in the way of poll position. Although Google may not be quaking in their boots just yet, the progress must be causing a little bit of tension at head office.


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