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Happy new year

Happy new year one and all, the Artesian Blog is back, shaking off the holiday weight and up for what is sure to be a truly interesting year in the world of search. I would say what better way to kick off the new year than with a list of predictions but having read John Batelle's blog this morning I see I have already been beaten to it :(

But give his a read, and just think of me instead. I was most intrigued by point 7 which reads:

"7. Traditional search results will deteriorate to the point that folks begin to question search's validity as a service. This does not mean people will stop using search - habits do not die that quickly and search will continue to have significant utility. But we are in the midst of a significant transition in search - as I've recently written, we are asking far more complicated questions of search, ones that search is simply not set up to answer. This incongruence is not really fair to blame on search, but so it goes. Add to this the problem of an entire ecosystem set up to game AdWords, and the table is set. Google will take most of the brand blame, but also do the most to address the issue in 2010."

This is a very big year in the way people use info on the web. We're getting very close to a revolution and it'll be fascinating to see the progress throughout the next 365 days. By 2011 we could be talking about very different things and I'll be sure to jump in early with my predictions next time round...noted.


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